
Monday, January 23, 2012

Salad "Alivee" (russian salad)


-2-3 potatoes
-3 carrots
-6-8 eggs
-1 small can green peas
-4 pickles
-8-12oz ham
- green onions,
-salt, pepper,
- 2-3 TBLS mayonnaise and 2-3 TBLS sour cream


Boil potatoes, carrots, and eggs.
Peel potatoes, carrots, and eggs.
Dice and mix everything, when mixing everything together just look at everything and see you might need more of something or less of something there should be about the same amount of everything, salt and pepper to taste add mayo and sour cream mix everything together and you can just leave it mixed and that's it or decorate how ever you like.
examples the cow is shaped and then decorated with egg whites and egg yolks and the nose and eyes are black olives.
The Sun flower is black olives and pringls with thin stripes of carrots.
and the sun is egg yolk, eyes are olives, mouth green peas, and also pringls.

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